Foundations of Holistic Health

I spent many years not understanding where to start when it comes to natural health and a holistic lifestyle. Now that I have so much experience in this area, I am excited to share this with you. It can be so hard to sift through all of the information out there and that is where I come in.

Stick around while I breakdown all of the foundations of natural health.

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The most important thing you can do is to listen to your body. It knows what it needs to heal. Let’s give your body the tools it needs for success. 

Below are the foundations of natural health and a holistic lifestyle. Your body needs each of these to be in place in order to prevent illness or start the healing process.

Keep in mind- these changes are so simple, yet make huge impacts! So you can start your journey today.

Let’s jump right in…


Nothing makes people happier than a beautiful sunny day. Did you know that morning sun exposure sets your circadian rhythm preparing you for a good night's sleep. Sunlight also regulates hormones and assists with vitamin production. Keep in mind that your body can only make vitamin D if the sun is high enough in the sky. Make sure your shadow is not longer than your body! You want to have some sun exposure each week without sunscreen but don’t stay in the sun too long or let yourself burn. 


We all forget to breathe correctly and doing so can help calm the nervous system. The lungs help to detox the body and it cannot do that properly if we are always taking shallow breaths. 

Take time to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy being outside! Especially, if you work from home or in an office all day, make a point to take time to breathe correctly. Take some time today to just take some slow deep breaths in and slowly exhale. You will feel relaxed, refreshed and ready to focus.

Balanced Emotions (Mindset)

Let’s stop all this negativity and worry! Changing your thinking can drastically change your life. For example, what are you worried about right now? Grab a piece of paper and write down what your thoughts are about it. It may be things like “I have no chance of succeeding” or “I am so worried, my health will never improve” or “How am I going to get everything done!” These thoughts are preventing you from getting the things you want. Let’s change that now! Write on the other side of the paper, a new way of thinking. You could say “I believe in myself, I have accomplished exactly what I want” or “Thank you for our health and wellbeing. I am healthy.” or “I love taking care of my family. I have plenty of time to do everything.” This one change alone was probably the most difficult for me but has been the most life changing.


Trying to get in your 8 hours? But it’s not happening. I feel you. Not getting enough sleep can impact our whole body, particularly the nervous system and immune system. A few things you can do to create a restful night’s sleep are to clear worries and your to-do list from your mind, avoid excessive fullness or hunger and avoid stimulants like caffeine, sugar and nicotine before bed. Creating a restful environment which is cool, dark and quiet is also key. Have you tried meditation? Let’s jump right into the next foundation…..


Spirituality is all about connecting with the creator and raising your vibration. One way to get started is to try meditation. I never tried meditation until my 30s and it has been a game changer. It helps me recenter myself and prepare for the day or wind down for sleep. I love going outside and looking up at the sky and saying everything I am thankful for. You can keep it simple!

Energy Work

Energy exists and moves throughout the body every second. When that energy is hindered or interrupted, there are physical and emotional consequences. Energy work is restoring energies that have become weak, disturbed, or out of balance.

Some ways these weakened energies are created are when our nervous system goes into fight or flight, you are in a state of chronic stress, or you experience a traumatic event . You may also encounter trapped emotional energies that occur when our body/mind feels that emotion is too much to process.  

Energy, emotions and thoughts have a tendency to overwhelm us and make us feel like we are falling apart. These energies have a low vibrational frequency and put stress on the body and mind. We have the power to clear and dissolve these energies and heal on a much deeper level.


Ditch the idea of drinking 8 glasses of water each day. It should be unique to you: try drinking 50% of your body weight in filtered or reverse osmosis water daily. Coffee and black tea are dehydrating and do not count toward your daily ounces. 


We all know that we should be exercising but most of us don’t want to! I can agree with that. I don’t love going to the gym, and if you don’t either, don’t beat yourself up about it! What fun activity do you like to do? Join friends for a workout class? Maybe a walk around the neighborhood or local park would be more your speed. How about a bike ride with the family? Point is- make it fun! If you dread it - it’s not doing you any good! 


Are you tired of the latest diet. Starving yourself? I am not a fan. I cannot stand being hungry. Try just eating real food. Real food. Dump the processed foods laden with toxins and chemicals, get rid of the sugar. Organic fruits and vegetables, grass fed meats, and organic dairy.  If you can accomplish this 80% of the time you are doing great! Don’t beat yourself up because you had dinner with friends and had that margarita and enchilada. We need to give ourselves some grace, love ourselves and have fun!

Body Work

Body work offers physical, emotional and spiritual benefit. A great place to start would be with some well known options such as reflexology, acupuncture, acupressure, chiropractic, or massage. 

So don’t wait until your health interferes with your everyday life! Start now. Or if you already have ongoing health issues, now is the time to jump right in! 


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