Best Morning Mindset Routine for Success

A good morning mindset routine is something that you will actually look forward to, boosts your productivity and fills you with positivity. You’ll love doing this daily because you will feel focused, calm and ready to start the day.

morning mindset routine positive affirmations

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The way you start your day is the way your day will flow.

Have you ever noticed when you are in a bad mood everything just starts going wrong. It’s one bad thing after another. Before you know it the whole day is out of control. 

Well there is no need to do that any longer. I am here to show you how to turn that around in an easy, doable way.  You can make your day intentional. Don’t let your day just happen to you.

That concept is something I was not aware of during most of my life. I thought everything in life just happened and that I had no control over it. I lived in a negative state but didn’t even realize it. I definitely did not know that I was causing my life to not work out the way I wanted.

But it’s not to late to start living your dream life!

Read on to Discover:

  • Benefits of a Morning Mindset Routine

  • How to Use the Routine

  • Best Morning Mindset Routine to Try Today

Benefits of a Morning Mindset Routine

It can be tough to get focused in the morning and stay productive all day! I know I struggled for years to start my day in a way that would actually bring about a life I love. But at the time I was living in a state of negativity which didn’t help! Once I shifted my mind into a positive state, things started to fall into place. Life started working out for me, doors opened up, it was so amazing! That's when I knew I was on to something and developed a mindset routine which I am so excited to share with you. 

The best way to get started is to center your mind and shift it into a state of gratitude and positivity.

You’ll find this will:

  • Calm your mind, worries and fears

  • Focus your attention on the tasks of the day

  • Align yourself with your desires

  • Put you in a feel good state

  • Bring good things into your life

  • Prepare you for great sleep that night (Can’t sleep? Grab my video course, Restful Sleep the Natural Way)

Did you know that fear, worry, anxiety and stress all are contributing factors to creating illness in the body? As a Holistic Health Practitioner I love sharing how important mindset is in a holistic approach to wellness.

So, retraining the brain to think positively can have the following benefits:

  • Develop fewer viral infections

  • Have lower levels of stress hormone cortisol

  • Have less inflammation

  • Are less likely to develop heart disease and hypertension

  • Go to the doctor less and an have fewer illnesses than their negative counterparts

How to Use the Routine

Make this your daily routine while drinking your morning tea or coffee. Set aside about 15 minutes. You can spend more time on the parts that really speak to you. But if you have only 5 minutes, then just do your favorite part of the routine.

Once you get started, you will feel amazing. In fact if you stop, you will notice a major change in your day and how you feel. So you will crave having this positive boost to start your day. 

When you wake up and right before you go to sleep are the most powerful times to align yourself with your dreams and desires. So resist waking up and immediately checking your social media! This is so important.

Also if you are not able to do your mindset routine first thing, you can still do this later in the day! 

I have done this at my mid-morning break and gotten that boost of feel good energy to get me through the rest of the day. Or just do the routine at your first available opportunity. Don't stress or wait until tomorrow because you skipped this morning. 

But if you are on vacation or in a rush, have a few affirmations at the ready to center yourself for the day. 

Best Morning Mindset Routine

1. Express Gratitude 

Start by expressing gratitude for all that you have now and all that you desire to have. Be grateful for those things that you want as if you already have them. That’s the secret! 

You may desire more love in your life, happiness, success, prosperity. But be specific! Try saying “I am grateful for my….”

Gratitude has definitely changed my life and I go into much more detail in my Gratitude Transformation Workbook. Where I walk you step by step through implementing gratitude into your life to create a life you always dreamed of. 

2. Say Affirmations

Affirmations are short positive statements you say to yourself or out loud, declaring what you want in life. Now is the time to really think about what it is that you want. When using affirmations you will come closer to your goals, they will be within reach! You will want to have a list at the ready of your favorite, most powerful ones. You can grab my favorite morning affirmations here!

3. Visualize your Ideal Day/Life

Visualize your ideal day. Think about what that looks like right now. Imagine each step of the day, from morning until night. What do you do? Who do you interact with? Or you can visualize your ideal life. Where do you live? What is your ideal career? Do you have a spouse, children, pets? What do you eat, what places to you go, where do you vacation? 

Really feel each part as you visualize.

4. Journal

Take this time to write down anything you really want in the form of an affirmation. Write any ideas or thoughts that come to you. Don’t hold back. Take this opportunity to refine what you want and drop the old negative story you have been telling yourself. Any negativity that comes out can easily be flipped. Just change that into a positive statement. You can really fine tune your thoughts and feelings here. This step serves as double purpose, as you will also be creating some positive statements that you can reread the next day. 

5. Meditation

Now is the time to let all this sink in. My favorite meditation app is Insight Timer. It is Free and you can turn on a meditation of your choosing while you get ready for the day. This is so helpful and easy to do. This takes the work you have just done and allows you to continue in this wonderful state as you get dressed, eat breakfast and head to work. Or if you work from home like me, turn on a meditation while you are getting your work done.

6. Take Action

Now it is time to take action. The ideas that you have and the guidance that you receive in this positive state will lead you to your highest self. But the trick is to listen to your inner self. Trust the guidance you are receiving. Those thoughts that keep popping into your head…write them down and listen to what they are saying. These are your desires and you have them for a reason. You were meant to have these experiences. So don’t hold back. Do you want love, career, family, health, wealth? When you are in a positive feeling state you are aligning yourself with your ideal life. 

By doing this routine you are making your mornings intentional. You are aligning yourself with your goals, calming yourself and focusing on what is really important. 

If you only have time for part of the routine, that’s great too! Make this your own. If you want to focus on gratitude and visualizing, do that! Try all of the routine and identify what part you love. Don’t force yourself to journal, for example, if you don’t like that part. Then you won’t do the routine. The whole point is to have a routine you want to jump out of bed and start your day with. If you love affirmations, try recording some of your own and listening to that while you get ready. I love doing this! 

Or if you love visualizing, then imagine your ideal day while you drink your coffee. Don’t stress if you skip a part, remember you are making this routine fit your best self. 

If I am in a rush, I tailor this routine to what I am doing that day. 

I hope this gives you the inspiration you need to jumpstart your day!

Comment below on how this has helped your life soar to new levels. What is your favorite part of the routine? 

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morning mindset routine positive affirmations


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