Top 10 Manifestation Mistakes You're Making

Did you realize you may be sabotaging your own success using the law of attraction and other manifestation techniques and not even know it? It’s time to identify any mistakes in your manifestation journey so you can harness your very own transformational energy. 

Now that I truly understand how manifestation works, I can spot so easily within myself (and others!) when someone is accidentally attracting the opposite of what they want!

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This is your year of success and I’m rooting for you!

Manifestation success thrives on emotional energy, what you are thinking and feeling and I’m here to show you the top 10 most common mistakes:

  1. Your energy is not clear! 

Unresolved energies can block your intentions, making it harder to attract what you want. If you are looking for money abundance but have old traumas, you are just not going to be in alignment with your desires. This makes it harder to see your goal realized. 

Subconscious doubts, fears, or feelings of unworthiness can block your manifestation.

2.You are too attached to the outcome. 

Feeling worried, anxious or desperate for your desired intention will only push it further away. You will be creating frustration and blocking the flow of energy. 

3. The “why” is missing. 

Don’t send vague signals to the universe! You need to be specific and clear about what you want. How can it come to you if you are not even sure what it is you want. Imagine the specific health goal or income your are looking for. Or relationship. What does that look like for you?

4. Limiting Beliefs

Negative self-talk or deeply rooted beliefs create resistance. Do you find yourself thinking” "It's too hard" or "I don't have enough (time, money, etc.)" Being in this negative state is going to block your manifestations success.

5. You are looking for instant results

When you are impatient, you can lose faith which creates a negative feeling state. This creates blocks. Your desires will unfold with diving timing. Only concern yourself with the end result. Don’t worry about HOW it will happen. It will all unfold for you HOW and WHEN it’s in your highest and best interest.

6. Being in a negative state

 Negative emotions, toxic environments, and toxic people lower your vibration, keeping you further from what you want. Trying to manifest from a place of fear, lack, or desperation just won’t work. The only thing you will be manifesting is more fear, lack and desperation.

7. You are not consistent

Flip flopping from a negative state to a positive state makes it so much harder to align with your intentions. Keep focused on what you want and when that negativity creeps in try flipping it around to a positive affirmation.

8. Take inspired action

When you are in a positive state, ask your spirit guides/universe/God to guide you. When you receive that guidance, take action! Remember, you must ask in order to receive that guidance.

9. Self-Sabotage

When your ego gets in the way it acts as a subconscious energy trying to keep you “safe” doing the same old thing, living the same life. Also you may feel unworthy of what you desire. If you don’t believe you deserve it, then you are blocking your manifestation.

10. Gratitude

Focusing on what you have now, appreciating it, and showing gratitude for the things you have in your life show the universe you are ready to receive. Gratitude is a wonderful way to fill your life with positivity, raise your vibration and start attracting the things you want into your life.

I know how much changing my mindset and mastering manifestation techniques has changed my life so I created this eBook to share with you. Blast through limiting beliefs and blocks that are stopping you from achieving success. Grab this manifestation guide to get you started. 

And when you are ready, I’m here to take it further by clearing out that old negative energy holding you back.  

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