How to start a Gratitude Practice to Create a Life you Love

Gratitude is a wonderful way to fill your life with positivity, raise your vibration and start attracting the things you want into your life.

When you are thankful for what you have and appreciate and love your current state, you will see that more good automatically comes into your life. Gratitude quickly transforms your mindset from negative to positive. This, my friend, is when you start attracting what you want in life. 

gratitude law of attraction journal prompts

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We get so caught up in all of the things we feel are not going right in our lives. Our love life, career, wanting a new car or house. This bogs us down and actually creates more lack in our lives. If our mindset is negative we attract more negative things in our life. Ever catch yourself thinking (or worse yet- obsessing) over things you don’t have? 

We forget to be grateful for what we do have!

Each time you are grateful you are filled with positive energy. Your thoughts are shifted away from negativity, stress, or what you are worried about.

Imagine a family member or co-worker upsets you. You have a choice. To think about the situation over and over, repeating and reliving it as you go about your day and night OR try to find some positivity. 

Gratitude is a great way to inject positivity into your day.

A client of mine let me share an example that she recently went through. 

She ran into someone that upset her, causing her day to go into a negative downward spiral. She immediately told the first friend she saw about it. This action started spreading negative energy.

Then when she got home she tried expressing gratitude for having that person in her life. It was hard at first but the mindset shift she experienced was significant. Her stress was lessened and she was able to stop reliving the situation. 

I love having a guided gratitude workbook handy. That is why I created it! 

I can find it hard to focus my mind.

It often wonders and I find myself worrying about what I have to do that day or about the outcome of an upcoming event. It is so easy to bring your mind back to a positive place when you have something to guide you. 

I do this when I am on the go and need a quick way to reframe my thoughts. Or in the morning/ evening  while I am doing my mindset routine. I use affirmations or journaling to bring positive thoughts into my day any chance I get. 

Gratitude can Transform your Life

Practicing gratitude regularly can really have a positive effect on your overall health and wellbeing. Here are just a few ways:

  1. Relieves stress

  2. Improves your sleep (I designed a digital program, Restful Sleep the Natural Way, with all of the best ways to fall asleep naturally.

  3. Boosts the immune system

  4. Lowers depression and anxiety

  5. Increases your happiness

  6. Skyrockets your positive mindset

  7. Can bounce back from difficult situations much easier

  8. More self-confidence

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gratitude law of attraction journal prompts

What if there was a way to easily shift into a gratitude mindset? 

There is! Starting a gratitude practice is easy. 

Begin by starting your day with gratitude. When you wake up and grab that cup of coffee or tea, I challenge you to try something new. Kicking off the day with gratitude will have you sailing through the day with ease. Things will start clicking into place and working out for you. 

  • Try gratitude journaling to elevate your positive vibe each morning or evening.

  • Give gratitude affirmations a try. You can keep them on your phone or by your bed. When you have just a few minutes during the day, read them over to put yourself in a feel good state.

  • Do a mindset shift. When you are experiencing some form of negativity like- worry, anxiety, fear, doubt. Stop and think about what about that situation you are grateful for. This will immediately put you in a feel good state.

  • When you need a quick mental pick me up, you can even reread all of the journaling you did!

  • Try expressing gratitude to those around you. You’ll be elevating their day as well.

  • Add gratitude to your night routine. Go to sleep feeling the amazing feeling of gratitude.

Get started today with the Gratitude Transformation Workbook! I created this eBook to guide you into a positive, feel-good state.

Trust that your gratitude will bring good things into your life.

I know it is an automatic reflex to start scrolling a newsfeed and get lost in social media. But I challenge you to switch this out for a mindset upgrade a few times a week and see what happens. 

I can’t wait to hear how gratitude has changed your life!


Daily Gratitude Affirmations to Uplevel Your Life


55 Night Affirmations for Better Sleep