How to use Positive Affirmations to Relax, Recharge and Rest

Hey there! I just love sharing mindset techniques and positive affirmations that are part of a powerful holistic wellness lifestyle.

When you leverage this to create an atmosphere of relaxation you can recharge and get that rest you need. I absolutely love using mindset exercises and positive affirmations daily as part of my morning mindset routine.

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“I am grateful for this moment of relaxation.”

I know what it’s like to be in a constant state of stress and never really achieve a state of relaxation. (Guess what? Scrolling and watching movies is not helping your body recharge and heal) It wasn’t until I learned that my mindset was actually contributing to my many health issues that I made some big changes in my life. 

You know you can start small by just going outside and taking a few deep breaths. That’s how I started. From there you can add in a few affirmations. Try saying what you are grateful for. Notice how you feel. Do you feel more relaxed? Do you want to try to feel like this more and less like an over-stretched rubber band??

This daily boost of positivity is beneficial to your mind, body and spirit in so many ways. You will be able to calm your mind and lower your stress levels. You’ll be able to wind down and stop thinking about the drama of the day. And guess what? This is one way to get in the right state to actually fall asleep. We all deserve rest and taking time for yourself is not a luxury. 

How to use these affirmations:

  • Try saying these affirmations with intent and feeling.

  • Pick out your favorite ones to write out in your journal, say them out loud, or to yourself.

  • Pause as you say each one and feel the relaxation wash over you.

  • It’s so important to listen to what your body needs on any given day, so pick the ones that resonate with you. 

And don’t forget to add gratitude to your daily routine to attract more positivity and start living a life you love. 

I share below 35 affirmations to relax, recharge and rest:

  1. I have completed everything I can for today and I am at peace with that.

  2. I deserve rest and relaxation.

  3. My body craves rest, and I honor that need.

  4. I release tension and embrace tranquility.

  5. I am worthy of taking breaks and rejuvenating my mind, body, and spirit.

  6. I allow myself to unwind without guilt.

  7. Rest is essential, and I prioritize it.

  8. I let go of stress with each exhale and invite calmness with each inhale.

  9. I create peaceful moments throughout my day.

  10. My mind is becoming quieter, allowing me to sink deeper into relaxation.

  11. I am surrounded by serenity and comfort.

  12. I trust in the healing power of rest.

  13. My relaxation is a gift to myself, and I accept it graciously.

  14. I release any pressure to be constantly productive and embrace moments of stillness.

  15. I honor my body's need for rest, knowing it is essential for optimal health.

  16. I give myself permission to slow down and recharge.

  17. My mind is clear, and my body is at ease.

  18. I welcome peace into my life with open arms.

  19. I am grateful for this moment of relaxation.

  20. I surrender to the present moment and find peace within it.

  21. My relaxation time is just for me.

  22. I am worthy of experiencing deep relaxation and rejuvenation.

  23. I let go of all worries and surrender to the calmness within.

  24. My breath is a source of calmness and relaxation.

  25. I release all tension from my body, allowing it to melt away effortlessly.

  26. I am surrounded by an abundance of peace and tranquility.

  27. I embrace the stillness within me and around me.

  28. I give myself permission to rest without judgment.

  29. I am free from stress and fully present in this moment.

  30. My mind is becoming quieter, and my thoughts are of love and gratitude.

  31. I am deserving of moments of pure relaxation and joy.

  32. I trust in the power of rest to rejuvenate my mind, body, and spirit.

  33. I allow myself to let go of all expectations and simply be in this moment.

  34. I am at peace with myself and the world around me.

  35. I am grateful for the opportunity to rest and recharge.

Don’t worry if you are new to affirmations and mindset. Here’s a great resource where you can learn all about affirmations and how to use them in your daily life

It’s time to get rid of that feeling of constant overwhelm and stress when you are trying to get everything done. These positive affirmations will flip a switch and get you in the right mindset for success.

More resources you’ll love:

Gratitude Transformation Workbook

25 Morning Affirmations to Start Your Day

30 Gratitude Affirmations to Uplevel Your Life

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