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How to Use Positive Affirmations to Improve your Daily Life

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You may be new to using the power of your mind to take charge of your life or you may be well along on your journey. I was aware of positive affirmations for many years but never understood the immense change you can have in your life by using them daily. 

Today we’ll be covering:

  • What are positive affirmations?

  • How positive affirmations affect the body

  • How you can transform your everyday life for the better

  • How to implement this into your daily routine

Check out 25 Morning Affirmations to start your day!

I started using affirmations a few years ago when I read about Louise Hay who dedicated her life to teaching others about positive affirmations and self love. You can check out her work by getting Louise’s bestselling book, You Can Heal Your Life, by clicking HERE.

I had no idea that my thoughts were so negative. Seriously! I tell people about how I was able to change my very negative thinking and I often hear the response, “Oh, I don’t have that issue, I don't think negative thoughts”. Well I sure didn’t think I was either. Boy was I wrong.

Once I started learning how to think positively to create a life that works, I was amazed at how much my thinking was not only negative - but actually hindering my life from working well!

What are Positive Affirmations?

Simply put, positive affirmations are positive statements and beliefs that you can say out loud or to yourself. They can be about health, money, love, gratitude, feeling safe. Really anything that uplifts your energy and creates peace and happiness allowing you to go through life with ease. 

By shifting your mind from worry, fear and doubt to one of calm, trusting and peace you will notice a shift in your day and eventually in the larger outcomes of your life.

How Positive Affirmations Affect the Body

Well let’s start by pointing out that fear, worry, anxiety and stress all are contributing factors to creating illness in the body. On the other hand, retraining the brain to think positively can have quite an outstanding outcome. For instance those who think positively:

  • Develop fewer viral infections

  • Have lower levels of stress hormone cortisol

  • Have less inflammation

  • Are less likely to develop heart disease and hypertension

  • Go to the doctor less and an have fewer illnesses than their negative counterparts

  • Can calm the mind and get better sleep

How You Can Improve Your Everyday Life

Are you ready to begin your journey to achieve a life of better health, wealth, love, happiness and peace? Well those who are optimistic and practice saying positive affirmations have lives that actually work well on all levels.

They can glide through their day while everything seamlessly falls into place. Everything just works out because they trust and believe that everything is in perfect working order.

Let’s practice saying some now….

  1. All is well in my life.

  2. I am at peace and everything falls into place.

  3. I love and approve of myself.

  4. Life only brings good and positive experiences. I am safe.

  5. I flow through life with ease.

  6. My body is healthy and full of energy.

  7. I have only positive and supportive relationships.

  8. I am successful at everything I do.

  9. Today I only interact with kind and loving people.

  10. I have plenty of time to do everything I need and want to do.

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Also try saying them for specific purposes.

  • I always have an excellent and loving relationship with my husband/son/daughter/mother-in-law.

  • I deserve a successful day today at my job/appointment/meeting.

  • I fall asleep easily and stay asleep all night.

How to implement Positive Affirmations in your Life 

Affirmations should be said throughout the day. Whoa!  You may be thinking that is way too much effort. Well if you are worried about something you may think about that thing hundreds of times per day.

So for example, if you think worrying thoughts all day and then say only 1 positive affirmation, guess what will happen? You will have more things to worry about in your life. The positive thoughts need to outnumber the fearful, stressed out thoughts

You may be in a place where that seems impossible. I get it. I was there. You CAN make these changes. Start small if you need and slowly this will become a habit and those negative, fearful thoughts will be a thing of the past. 

Let’s dive right in to how you can begin to transform your life. 

-Make a list of affirmations on a piece of paper or on your phone about changes you want in your life at the moment. 

-Read through them while you have your morning coffee or tea.

-While driving, doing dishes, laundry, etc. you can listen to affirmations. Try Louise Hay’s Meditations for Personal Healing, click HERE to get the audiobook.

-Read your affirmations again before bed as part of your night routine.

-When you catch yourself thinking something fearful or worrisome. Stop right away and rephrase. 

For example, If you catch yourself saying, I don’t have enough time to get everything done!”, that can be rephrased as, “I have plenty of time to do everything I need and want to do.” Say this over and over and watch as you get everything done. 

Practicing these methods daily will have you well on your way to changing your outlook on life from one of fear, worry, stress, and negativity to happiness, success and health. And most importantly, your life will start to work seamlessly and smoothly. Probably for the first time ever.

I am so glad that I can help you to renew your mind, body and spirit and begin this wonderful journey. Before long you will be living the life you always dreamed of.

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